
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

File Conversion is wonderful. Because I only had Microsoft Works at home, I had trouble with my Master's paper that had to be in Word. I certainly could have used it then. I can use it now with converting video files, because I am having difficulty creating DVDs from my camcorder. The use of Zamzar in the library can be tremendous! Everyone has file conversion issues, and Zamzar is free.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Youtube revisitied

Here is a video posted by one of my husbands former co-workers at the evil Circuit City (before they fired all their commissioned sales people and hired kids at minimum wage). My husband is listed in the credits. My friend Bob is in it (the guy who says it will never work). The videographer of this also filmed my wedding.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Looking back at Library 2.0

I think this program has been a good one. It is important to keep up with new technologies, and the best way is really play and experience them. I am grateful for the time, guidance, and sharing this has provided. I hope the library implements some of these into our web presence soon. I would enjoy working on library blogs or wikis, and would like to see us get started with some book reviews and discussions so we are ready for next year's summer reading. Another nice benefit of the Library 2.0 project is getting to know other staff members better. Now it's off to "beyond 23 things."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cameron is 6 months old!

Cameron is 6 months old already. It's hard to believe! He went to the doctor for his checkup. He weighs 19 lbs. 12 oz., and is 28 3/8" long. Soon he won't fit in 12 mo. clothes anymore. He rolls over and sits on his own now. He is such a good baby!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I have checked out one e-book in my life - on a Sunday night to get free Ohio will papers for a relative. It took awhile, as I remember, to download the new adobe and other such programs, but I finally got it to work. On a positive note, the papers were not needed, as the person got better. I can see students and researchers using e-books, but I think most people want a book they can hold (myself included). I look at a screen too much as it is! I can see the benefits of audio e-books, however. I will check one out when I get my ipod.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Looked at podcasts, and podcast directories. I personally do not find them very interesting. Subscribed to "Audiobooks with Annie" on my bloglines account. Tried to place a widget for this feed in my post, but I had trouble getting the image to load correctly so it's at the bottom right of my page. I can see this being beneficial on our library catalog. Many patrons need help with basics like clicking on a title to get location information, how to use the cart function, etc. Podcasts placed in the catalog might be helpful - but the noise might be a problem in some locations. News releases could have podcasts along the stories on the libraries homepage.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Here is a FatBoy Slim video featuring the dancing stylings of Christopher Walken (who is a talented and fascinating guy). I found YouTube very easy to use. It was very easy to post once I read in the #20 instructions to use the edit HTML tab in the post. That was the secret I have been missing for getting the codes in the posts, and not just added on the side or bottom! I like the idea of YouTube. Everyone should check out the Silent Library Japanese game show. I found a lot of library promotional videos on there.